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Git Desktop GUI

28 Nov 2016 . category: tech . Comments

GitKraken is a free Git GUI Desktop client for Windows, Mac and Linux designed by Axosoft.

Visual interactions

Its interface equips you with a visual understanding of branching, merging and your commit history.


GitKraken is built on electron , allowing it to run natively on Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop systems.

100% standalone

GitKraken works directly with your repositories with no dependencies. It is built with nodegit so you don’t even need to install Git on your system.

Other features

  • Built-in merge tool
  • Integrate with your github or bitbucket account
  • git-submodules and git-flow support
  • One-click undo & redo
  • File history
  • Fast, intuitive search
  • View image diffs in app
  • Keyboard shortcuts


Ioannis Sarris is an Electronic & Computer Engineer. He lives in Paris, where he develops 3D manufacturing engineering apps.