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Open Source SDN Platform

30 Nov 2016 . category: telecom . Comments

OpenDayLight is a collaborative open source SDN controller that aims to accelerate adoption of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). It is hosted by the The Linux Foundation and written in Java.

Multiprotocol Support

The platform supports OpenFlow as well as traditional protocols. OpenDaylight delivers a common open source framework and platform for SDN across the industry for customers, partners and developers.

OpenDaylight’s Ecosystem

OpenDaylight code has been integrated or embedded in more than 20 vendor solutions and apps, and can be utilized through a range of services and consulting firms. Learn more in Open SDN Ecosystem Directory.


Ioannis Sarris is an Electronic & Computer Engineer. He lives in Paris, where he develops 3D manufacturing engineering apps.